
I jus wanna rock n roll

During the holiday season, many of us take time to reflect on our goals for the year, and what progress we've made in achieving them.

Sometimes, progress is there and we can really see how far we've come in this journey. Other times, we don't always recognize the bench marks for what milestones they represent. Progress is often measured in the small steps...and the goal is progress, not perfection.

All in all, we've had a good Westside year. We've performed live before new audiences and familiar faces. My home studio is a work in progress. The long awaited CD projects will be completed at last. We are 2010 nominees to the Mid-America Music Hall of Fame. And, knock on wood, I have good health.

As ever, I need to take the time to thank the man upstairs, my family, my friends, and my fellow band members and their families and friends, as well as all of you fans for your support. So, from me, to you, thank you, for all you do.

Whether your progress this year is in big steps or baby steps, take the time with me to reflect and say thank you this holiday season.

Peace and God Bless.

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